Thursday, August 5, 2010

After 11 Tools: Reflections

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
It is hard for me to pick a favorite, because they are all so interesting. Some of them are alike, but slightly different like Animoto and the Photostory. Others were totally different like Wordle and Google Tools. I am planning on using most of them in the classroom by creating fun activities and to teach students how to create their own. I am thinking on creating a Photostory of my family to prompt writing activities such "First Day of School" and "All about me". I will use the Ipods with my small group instruction by creating various level of lessons to keep students motivated and focused.
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom?
My thinking about learning has been always the same. "I believe that all students can learn", some children learn fast while others take their own time but they all can do it. The 11 tools training has opened my eyes as a learner, I am a great believer that we learn by doing and students now seem to have an ability to work with technology faster than what adults do. As teachers, we must take advantage of this and continue to make it interesting for the students. Technology is all around us, so it is easier to teach to students because it is something they can relate and connect with.
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?One of the things I had trouble with was the time, and I know it's because I was not familiar with the at least fifty percent of the 11 Tools. They were totally new to me so it took a while and a lot of reading to figure them out, which was hard because I had to balance the time between working on this all Summer and time I spent with my family during my summer vacation. I was amazed of the special bonding I made with my coworkers and members of my PLN. I learned from my colleagues, and I hope some learned from me. We all had different levels but at the end, everybody got to understand that Technology is here to stay and YES WE CAN MAKE IT WORK, WE OWE IT TO OUR STUDENTS. The knowledge I gained is priceless and I hope it will be a foundation for my continued growth in using this new technology in the classroom.

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